The Ninth Commandment


People own or rent land and buildings so that they may have a place ot live, a place to make a living. The place we call our house or home is so important to our well-being that God has given a special command concerning it. The Ninth Commandment protects this place which He has given us.

The Ninth Commandment

You shall not covet your neighbor's house.

What does this mean?
We should fear and love God, so that we do not craftily seek to gain our neighbor's inheritance or home, nor get it by a show of right, but help and serve him in keeping it.

  1. How does God give us a place to live?
    God gives us a place to live through inheritance or by enabling us to purchase or rent a home.
  2. What evil does God forbid in the Ninth Commandment?
    In the Ninth Commandment, God forbids every sinful desire for our neighbor's property or home. (See "covet" in the Glossary.)
  3. What may such sinful desire lead us to do?
    Such sinful desire may lead us to take our neighbor's property by robbery or theft. (See also "gambling" in the Glossary.)
    Bible Example: Ahab coveted and seized Naboth's vineyard.
  4. Does the Ninth Commandment forbid the legal seizure of property?
    The Ninth Commandment does not forbid every legal seizure of property, but it does forbid seizure by a "show of right," that is, every manner of legal but loveless practice by which a person takes away another's property or home.
    Bible Example: Jezebel's show of right against Naboth
    Bible Example: Improper lawsuits among Christians
  5. What does God require of us in the Ninth Commandment?
    In the Ninth Commandment, God requires us to help our neighbor in finding and keeping a place to live.
    Bible Example: Abraham helped Lot find a place to life.
    Bible Example: The Shunamite couple provided a room for Elisha.
    Bible Example: Aquila and Priscilla provided Paul with a place ot live.
  6. Of what does our earthly home or palce to live remind us?
    Our earthly home or place to live reminds us of the heavenly inheritance or home which Jesus has prepared for us.
  7. Conclusion

    We are often tempted to wrongful desire for what belongs to our neighbor. Sometimes we may legally take something away from him ("show of right") even though God forbids it. Such loveless behavior is a sin. In the Ninth and Tenth Commandments, God forbids the sinful desire for things that do not belong to us. He requires that even our thoughts be kindly directed toward our neighbor, and that we assist him in keeping and improving what is his.


    You shall your neighbor's spouse and home
    Not seek nor covet for your own;
    But you shall wish them ev'ry good,
    As your own heart for you would.
    Have mercy, Lord! (ELH 490:10)

    Bible Readings

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