The Second Commandment


God reveals Himself to us in the names given to Him in Scripture; for example:

  • Jehovah (Exodus 3),
  • Lord (Isaiah 61),
  • Ancient of Days (Daniel 7),
  • Jesus (Matthew 1),
  • Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9),
  • the Mighty God (Isaiah 9),
  • the Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9),
  • the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9).
He also reveals Himself to us in His works. God requires that His name be used in the right way for the support of truth in our life and in our worship.

The Second Commandment and Its Meaning

You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.

What does this mean?
We should fear and love God, so that we do not curse, swear, practice witchcraft, lie or deceive by His name, but call upon Him in every trouble, pray, praise and give thanks.

  1. How do we take God's name in vain?
    We take God's name in vain by using it carelessly or without respect, especially by
    • cursing,
    • sinful swearing,
    • practicing witchcraft,
    • lying, or
    • deceiving.
  2. What is cursing by God's name?

    Cursing by God's name is speaking evil of God or calling down evil from Him upon oneself, other persons or any creature or thing. (See "blasphemy" in the Glossary.)

    Bible Example: Goliath cursed David
    Bible Example: The Jews cursed themselves and their children.
    Bible Example: The Jews reviled Jesus on the cross.

  3. What is swearing by God's name?
    To swear, or take an oath, is to use God's name to confirm the truth of what is said and to punish us if we lie.
  4. Which swearing does God permit?
    God permits all swearing which
    • honors Him,
    • is for the good of our neighbor, or
    • is required by a court of law.

    Bible Example: Jesus took an oath before Caiaphas.
    Bible Example: Paul called upon God as a witness.
  5. Which swearing is forbidden?
    All false, thoughtless, unnecessary swearing is forbidden, as well as swearing in uncertain or sinful matters.
    Bible Example: Peter's oaths in Caiaphas' courtyard
    Bible Example: Herod's promise and oath
    Bible Example: The Jews' oath to commit murder
  6. What is practicing witchcraft by God's name?
    To practice witchcraft means to try, by the use of God's name, to do supernatural things such as
    • consulting witches and psychics,
    • speaking to the dead,
    • practicing astrology, and
    • other satanic works.

    Bible Example: King Saul and the witch of Endor
    Bible Example: Bar-Jesus
  7. How is the name of God used for lying and deceiving?
    The name of God is used for lying and deceiving by
    • perjury,
    • false doctrine, and
    • hypocrisy.
  8. How does God want us to use His name?
    God wants us constantly to use His name in
    • prayer,
    • praise, and
    • thanksgiving.

    Bible Example: Abraham called on the name of the Lord in worship.
    Bible Example: Hannah thanked God for answering her prayer.
    Bible Example: The disciples called on Jesus when in trouble.
    Bible Example: The ten lepers called on Jesus for help, and one thanked Him.
    Bible Example: Noah called upon God in thanskgsgiving.
  9. Why is God's name so precious?
    God's name is so precious because it reveals our salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ, who kept the law for us.


The words that we speak show our respect or contempt for God and His name. Although sins against the Second Commandment often seem small in our sight, they are really great before God and call down His severe punishment.
Therefore we should pray with David:


O that I had a thousand voices
To praise my God with thousand tongues!
My heart, which in the Lord rejoices,
Would then proclaim in grateful songs
To all, wherever I might be,
What great things God hath done for me. (ELH 443:1)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: