Sermons on Gospel (Page 7)

So That It Might Be Fulfilled

A statement of purpose can change a seemingly benign action into an insidious one or a bumbling mistake into the dear handiwork of a child. God’s statement of purpose in this text turns the injustice of the cross of Christ into a sublime, saving expression of His love. His purpose turns death to life, gives human existence on earth purpose instead of meaninglessness and changes our whole lives.

Pray and Do Not Lose Heart!

In difficult times it is easy to lose heart and think prayer is useless, because it is not in our nature to believe in the true God. We would rather not think about the true God because of our sinfulness, but when we believe in gods of our own making, such inventions disappoint. The true God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and He loves us so fervently that He gave His own Son to be the sacrifice for sin. Because He loves us and has promised to hear and answer our prayer in the best possible way, we do not lose heart.