The Fourth Commandment


People usually have high regard for themselves and their own well-being. It is God's will that they regard others in the same way they regard themselves: always "do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12). The Second Table of the Law, the last seven commandments, tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 23:39). In the Fourth Commandment, God commands us to respect our parents and our superiors and forbids us to treat them with disrespect.

  1. How do we love ourselves rightly?
    We love ourselves rightly by caring not only for the needs of our body, but above all for the salvation of our soul.
    Bible Example: The rich fool
  2. Who is our neighbor?
    Everybody is our neighbor.
    Bible Example: The good Samaritan was a neighbor to his enemy.
  3. The Fourth Commandment

    Honor your father and your mother, that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.

    What does this mean?
    We should fear and love God so that we do not despise our parents or superiors, nor provoke them to anger, but honor, serve, obey love and esteem them.

  4. Whom does God mean by parents and superiors in the Fourth Commandment?
    By parents and superiors, God means our parents and all others whom He has placed over us, such as fathers and mothers, pastors and teachers, employers and government officials. (See "Table of Duties".)
  5. Why has God placed parents and superiors over us?
    God has placed parents and superiors over us to provide for our bodily and spiritual welfare.
  6. How should we honor parents and superiors and all others whom God has placed over us?
    We should honor parents and superiors by
    • looking upon them as God's representatives,
    • loving them,
    • praying for them and
    • willingly serving and obeying them.

    Bible Example: Joseph loved his father.
    Bible Example: Samuel was obedient to Eli.
    Bible Example: Jesus was obedient to His earthly parents.
    Bible Example: Jesus paid the temple tax.
  7. What is our duty to our country?
    It is our duty to
    • love our country,
    • obey its laws,
    • assist its officials in keeping law and order, and
    • promote its general welfare.
  8. What must we do if parents or superiors tell us to do what is wrong?
    If parents or superiors tell us to do what is wrong, we must obey the commandments of God rather than the commands of men, and patiently bear the suffering – even death – that may come to us on this account.

    Bible Example: Daniel and his friends disobeyed an order to do evil.
  9. When do we sin against the Fourth Commandment?
    We sin against the Fourth Commandment when we do not show our parents or superiors the proper respect and when we hurt them or make them angry by disobedience, ungratefulness or other sins.
  10. How did Jesus keep the Fourth Commandment?
    Jesus perfectly fulfilled this commandment in our place by being subject to His earthly parents and to the government and church authorities (active obedience).
    Bible Example: The brothers of Joseph showed no love for their father.
    Bible Example: The sons of Eli grieved their father.
    Bible Example: Absalom rebelled against his father.
    Bible Example: The children of Bethel mocked the Prophet Elisha.


God promsies those who keep the Fourth Commandment that they will be blessed in their earthly life. When people do not honor their parents and superiors, they bring upon themselves trouble and sorrow. Only our Savior Jesus Christ has kept this commandment as God requires.


O Lord, we come before Thy face;
In ev'ry home bestow Thy grace
On children, father, mother;
Relieve their wants, their burdens ease,
Let them together dwell in peace
And love to one another! (ELH 189:4)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: