Meaningful Ministry—Fear Not, For the Lord Is with You

August 4 2024 —

Shortly before he ascended, Jesus told his followers they were to engage in meaningful ministry—to work their way through the world, sharing the good news of salvation. Our loving Lord knew that was a big and often intimidating task. So, his next words were a promise. “Surely I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). God’s people still need to hear that promise.

For several weeks, we have been discussing the reality that the Lord of the Church has called all believers to meaningful ministry. Ministry will come with challenges. It can cause fears to arise: the fear of rejection, the fear of inadequacy, the fear of persecution. So, listen again to your Savior. “I am with you always.” We conclude our series on Meaningful Ministry empowered by that gracious promise.

In our Old Testament Lesson, Elisha’s faithful ministry had resulted in Elisha and his servant being surrounded by an enemy army. But they didn’t need to fear, for the LORD and his mighty army of angels were with them. In our Epistle Lesson Paul writes that he knows he will soon be executed for performing gospel ministry. Yet he is not afraid, for he knows the Lord Jesus has always been by his side. And in our Gospel Lesson, before engaging in ministry at Gennesaret, Jesus comes to the disciples, dispelling their fears with his comforting and powerful presence.