The Holy Bible


Is it possible to find happiness on this earth where there are so many troubles and problems? Many people claim to have found happiness, yet many of these same people remain in the power of death and devil. But God wants you, His child, to be both happy on earth and blessed in heaven. For this reason, He wants you to know His will.

  1. What is God's will toward all people?
    God wants all people to be saved and to learn from Him what to believe and do.
  2. Where does God reveal His will?
    God reveals His will in His Word, the Bible. (See Question 106.)
  3. By whom was the Bible written?
    The Bible was written by men whom God chose for this work, the Old Testament by prophets and the New Testament by evangelists and apostles.

    Bible Example: God chose Jeremiah to be His spokesman.
  4. How can the word of these men be the Word of God?
    The word of these men is the word of God because the Holy Spirit, in a miraculous way, breathed into the minds of the writers the very thoughts they should express and the very words they should use.
  5. What is this great miracle of God called?
    This great miracle of God is called "verbal inspiration".
  6. What assurance does this doctrine of verbal inspiration given us?
    This teaching of verbal inspiration assures us that the Bible is God's Word and therefore contains no errors in any of its parts or words. (See "inerrant" and "infallible" in the Glossary.)
  7. Is the Bible a difficult book to understand?
    In all things that we need to know in order to be saved, the Bible is clear and easy to understand.

  8. How do we use the Word of God in the right way?
    We use the Word of God in the right way by asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us so that we
    • read and hear it thoughtfully and regularly as food for our souls,
    • believe it, and
    • live according to it.

  9. What is the central truth of the Bible?
    The central truth of the Bible is that Jesus is the only way of salvation.

    Bible Example: Mary meditated on God's Word.

    Bible Example: The Bereans studied God's Word.
  10. What are the two main teachings of the Bible?
    The two main teachings of the Bible are the Law and the Gospel.
  11. What is the Law?
    The Law is that Word of God which tells us how we are to be, and what we are to do and not to do.
  12. What is the Gospel?
    The Gospel is that Word of God which reveals the salvation Christ has won for all people.
  13. What is the difference between the Law and the Gospel?
    The Law teaches us what we are to do and not to do; the Gospel teaches us what God has done, and still does, for our salvation.
    The Law shows us our sin and the anger of God; the Gospel shows us our Savior and the grace of God.
    The Law must be preached to all people, but especially to those who are not sorry for their sins; the Gospel must be preached to those who are sorry for having sinned against God.


As we mature in faith, we want to study the Bible in greater detail, in order that we may understand and confess the faith in which we have been baptized. In this study, we use also Luther's Small Catechism, because it is a summary of the chief teachings of the Bible. Do we have the same attitude toward the study of God's Word that Jesus had?


God's Word is our great heritage
And shall be ours forever;
To spread its light from age to age
Shall be our chief endeavor;
Through lift it guides our way,
In death it is our stay;
Lord, grant, while worlds endure,
We keep its teachings pure
Throughout all generations. (ELH 583)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: