The Sixth Commandment


In the Sixth Commandment, God speaks to both the married and the unmarried. In this commandment He forbids any improper relationship between the sexes and requires conduct that will preserve the institution of marriage and the home.

The Sixth Commandment

You shall not commit adultery.

What does this mean?
We should fear and love God, so that we lead a chaste and decent life in word and deed, and that husband and wife each love and honor the other.

  1. What is marriage?
    Marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman into one flesh, entered into by mutual consent and promise.

    Bible Example: The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah
  2. Who instituted marriage?
    God Himself instituted marriage at the creation and has given it His blessing.
    Bible Example: Jesus honored a wedding at Cana with His presence.
  3. What relationship has God established between husband and wife?
    God has established the husband as the loving head of the wife and has appointed the wife as his companion and helper. (See Question 89.)
  4. What are the duties of husband and wife toward each other?
    Husband and wife should
    • be faithful to one another,
    • love and honor each other, and
    • stand by each other in good and evil days until death separates them.
  5. How do we sin against the Sixth Commandment?
    We sin against the Sixth Commandment by
    • the actual breaking of the marriage vow (See "adultery" in the Glossary.),
    • sexual union between persons who are not married to each other ("live-in" relationships, "friends with benefits", etc.),
    • sexual union between persons of the same sex (See "homosexuality" in the Glossary.),
    • every impure desire, word or deed in matters of sex.

    Bible Example: Herod lived with his brother's wife.
    Bible Example: David coveted Uriah's wife.
    Bible Example: Jesus' dealing with the Samaritan woman
    Bible Example: The Sodomites lusted for Lot's vistors.
    Bible Example: The daughters of Lot committed incest with their father.
  6. What should be our attitude toward divorce?
    It is God's will that no marriage shall be broken, but He allows for divorce in cases of adultery and malicious desertion.
  7. How should we guard against sexual impurity?
    We should guard against sexual impurity by
    • remembering that God always sees us,
    • praying Him to keep us pure,
    • keeping His Word in our hearts, and
    • avoiding everything that arouses evil lusts.

    Bible Example: Joseph fled from the temptation of Potiphar's wife.
  8. How may evil lusts be aroused?
    Evil lusts may be aroused by such things as
    • indecent clothes,
    • indecent dances,
    • indecent gestures,
    • pornographic books,
    • pornographic pictures,
    • pornographic movies,
    • idleness,
    • bad company, and
    • drunkenness.
  9. What does God require of us in the Sixth Commandment?
    In the Sixth Commandment, God requires all of us, married and unmarried, to be sexually pure in thoughts, words and deeds.
  10. Why should we hold marriage in such high esteem?
    We should honor marriage highly because it is a divine institution and because God shows His high regard for it by comparing it to Christ's love for His Bride, the Church.


In the Sixth Commandment, God forbids all uncleanness in matters of sex and requires that everyone maintain personal purity. This commandment is broken when people do not honor God's arrangement for the proper relationship between the sexes. Christ's people, purified by His blood, desire to lead pure lives in thoguh, word and deed.


In house and home where man and wife
Together lead a godly life,
By deeds their faith confessing!
There many a happy day is spent;
There Jesus gladly will consent
To tarry with His blessing. (ELH 189:1)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: