The Triune God


In His Law God has pointed out that we have failed to be perfect and that we are helpless. It is necessary, therefore, that we sinners find someone to help us. Only the one who learns to know the true God finds a helper in whom there is both strength and salvation.

  1. How do you knwo there is a God?
    I know that there is a God because He reveals Himself

    • in the creation and preservation of the world.
    • in the conscience of man and especially
    • in His Word, the Bible. (See Questions 2, 3, 4 and 5.)

  2. What does the Bible teach about God?
    The Bible teaches that God is a triune spirit being who is

    • infinite,
    • eternal,
    • unchangeable (immutable),
    • almighty (omnipotent),
    • all-knowing (omniscient),
    • everywhere present (omnipresent),
    • wise,
    • gracious,
    • merciful,
    • good,
    • holy,
    • faithful and
    • righteous.

  3. Why do you believe that God is triune?
    The one true God is the Triune God, because the Bible teaches that there is only one God, but three distinct Persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (See Question 21.)

  4. How are the divine Persons fo the Trinity distinguished from each other?
    The Father has begotten the Son from eternity; the Son is begotten of the Father from eternity; the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father the Son from eternity. (See the Athanasian Creed.)
    The work of creation and preservation is seen as the special activity of the Father; redemption as the special activity of the Son; sanctification as the special activity of the Holy Spirit.

  5. Why si the doctrine of the Trinity so important?
    The doctrine of the Trinity is so important because it is the teaching concerning the one true God, in whom alone there is salvation.

  6. What does the Bible teach about those who do not believe in the Triune God?
    The Bible teaches that those who do not believe in teh Triune God are not Crhistians and cannot be saved.

  7. Why does the Christian say, “I believe” and not “We believe” when one confesses his/her faith in the Triune God?
    The Christian says, “I believe”, because faith is personal; no one can believe for someone else.

    Bible Example: The ten virgins
  8. Why does the Christian confess the Triune God?
    The Christian boldly confesses the Triune God, because, having come to a saving knowledge of the true God, he/she wishes to declare Him to others.


A creed is a statement of what one believes and teaches. In the Apostles’ Creed, we confess our faith in the doctrine taught by the Apostles as it is found in the Bible. In this creed, just as in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, the Christian confesses faith in the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who alone is the true God and Savior. This faith in the Triune God brings salvation.


Glory to God, the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To Thee, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise throughout eternity! (ELH 23:4)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: