Last week Jesus reminded us, His disciples, to focus on the Love He has for us so that we can love our neighbor as ourselves.

This week (Sunday, July 17) our readings focus on our need to be filled with the Word of God.
In our Old Testament Lesson the Lord Himself appears to Abraham to make him a promise. At various times the Word of God Himself appeared in the Old Testament. Jesus, before He was born appeared as “The Angel of the Lord.” (Remember “Angel” means Messenger.) He came to Abraham to tell him that after years of waiting, he and his wife Sarah would finally receive the son God had promised him for decades, through whom the Savior’s line would be traced and through whom Abraham would become the father of many nations. God’s promises are always worth hearing and believing like Abraham (and unlike Sarah who laughed scoffingly when she heard the promise.)
In our Epistle Lesson Paul commends the Colossian Christians for their growth in faith through the Word and urges them to continue growing in the Word and why: We keep asking that you would be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, 10so that you might live in a way that is worthy of the Lord. Our goal is that you please him by bearing fruit in every kind of good work and by growing in the knowledge of God, 11as you are being strengthened with all power because of his glorious might working in you.
Finally, the appointed Gospel Lesson is the account Mary and Martha. Martha is busy working in the kitchen to prepare food for Jesus and His disciples—a noble task!—while Mary is sitting at Jesus feet learning the Word of God. Martha asks Jesus to rebuke her sister, but Jesus points out that while preparing food is good and important, listening to the Word is better!
Our sermon this week will focus on the Gospel Lesson under the theme: “Choose What Lasts Forever.”
This Week’s Lessons:
Genesis 18:1–14
Colossians 1:1–14
Luke 10:38–42