Resurrection REALity: The Living Lord Gives Proof and PeaceResurrection REALity:

April 7 2024 —

In most world religions, the alleged foundational event was experienced by only one person. A self-proclaimed prophet would allege he alone had some special encounter with God. “No really! Just trust me. It really happened.” The resurrection reality is so very different. In the Great Resurrection Chapter (1 Corinthians 15, which we heard last Sunday), St. Paul writes an entire paragraph listing all the people to whom Jesus appeared after he rose, including a group of over five hundred at one time. It is like St. Paul is telling skeptics, “You don’t need to take my word for it. Hundreds of us saw Jesus back from the dead.”

         The proof of Jesus’ resurrection brought peace and strength to those early believers. They knew there was more to their existence than just their time on earth. They knew the reality that eternal life was theirs, a gift from their living Lord. It gave them incredible joy and courage.

         May the resurrection reality give us the same joy and courage!


Acts 18:1-11 – The promised presence of the living Lord gave Paul the courage to keep on speaking the gospel, even when Paul was facing harsh persecution.

1 John 1:1-4 – St. John reminds us that there were witnesses who saw and touched Jesus raised from the dead. This resurrection serves as proof that eternal life is ours.

John 20:19-31 – The risen Savior offers proof and peace to his disciples