Devotion 68 – Second Sunday After Epiphany (Morning)

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, come to us and abide with us. Unite our hearts in You, and sanctify our homes. Amen.

Text: John 2:1-11

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then that which is inferior; but you have kept the good wine until now.” This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.


Jesus performed His first miracle before the disciples’ eyes at a wedding, and it was changing water into wine and changing the bridal home’s emptiness into joy. Marriage is the foundation of human society, planted by God at creation and sanctified from the beginning. But ever since it was corrupted by the fall into sin, the devil still rages against it, for he knows that when he spoils marriage, he undermines all order of society and makes us like Sodom and Gomorrah. This is the purpose of teaching “free love,” which the adversary now has busied himself in preaching.

As many as will follow the Lord Jesus must heartily hate this lie of the devil and maintain the sacred, indissoluble nature of marriage. Why did the Lord choose to reveal His glory first at a wedding? Why was His first miracle to help a young bridal couple? He came to drive the devil out of the house and create for Himself not just individuals who are holy, but a holy people. He takes children in His arms by Baptism, teaches the young to fear God by instructing them in the Word, and is with them in their marriage so that it might be sanctified and their children might be holy, amenable to God’s Spirit, and to bring them to be baptized. So the Lord takes for Himself a bride on earth (Ephesians 5). He has a specially watchful eye with marital matters from beginning to end. He brings bride and bridegroom together. According to His plan they find one another, often in a marvelous way and completely contrary to human thinking. Certainly many kinds of troubles come upon all faithful married people, many kinds of temptations and trials. But this water becomes wine, when the Lord’s time has come. Mediocre wine, and soon it is gone, and there are only waterpots filled to the brim: that’s what happens where Jesus is one of the wedding guests. But this is nothing but the finest wine in the end. He Himself sets the time, and even His mother must submit to His decision.

So then let Jesus be with us in our wedding and in everyday life. He transforms the water of our sinful wretchedness into the wine of holiness and glory. Our whole married life and society He renews by the wondrous power of His Spirit, so that we become a people full of joyful songs, finally perfected as the blessed bride of the Lamb, the bride who drinks the new wine with Him in His kingdom.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, teach us to pray You to come to our weddings, and to come and sanctify our home life. Guide us and reign among us, and help us, for You alone can do it. Amen.


Lord Jesus, when You are within,
Let round the door then gather
Great hosts of people who want in;
And bring their cares together
Until the vessels there are full,
Then shall Your comfort overflow
With helping hand forever.

The time is coming when You see
Our cup is overflowing,
When all things filled with ill shall be,
Then let Your help be showing,
That You shall lift our cross of woe,
And in our hearts that sorrow know
Shall pour the wine of gladness.

O Jesus, You alone can bind
Two hearts as one together
In godly marriage, loving, kind;
O let Your help now gather
All those who put their trust in You;
And show their hopes all to be true;
Let joy be theirs forever.

Grant them good counsel as they need,
A thousand blessings sending;
Confirm them in their ev’ry deed,
Your goodness to them lending.
O bless them in their soul and life,
And when they leave this world of strife,
Grant them Your love unending.

Kingo: Hvor saligt var den ægtepar L 203:5-8 tr. DeGarmeaux;
tune: Es ist gewisslich (ELH 225); alternate hymn: O blest the house ELH 190:1-2