
Another tissue slipped off the pastor’s desk as the sobbing woman related her sad story.
“When I am at work, in a restaurant, on a picnic, or on vacation I see him with us. His
face reaches down to mine and whispers, ‘See, Mommy? You would have had room for

A young woman regrets that she has aborted her child, wishing she had taken to heart the
clear words of the psalmist who declares it is the hand of God who shapes the infant in
his mother’s womb (Psa 139:15-16). Two teenagers desperately in love, move in together,
ignoring Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
pure.” A man leaves his wife for another woman, disregarding Matthew 19:6 – “What
God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Disobedience to God for the sake of imagined happiness is the pattern of our society. But
it is for our happiness that God’s law was given. He knew ahead of time the grief and
guilt a mother would feel for her aborted child. He didn’t want anyone to experience the
heart-wrenching pain of one spouse walking out on the other. He wished to spare
children the agony of not knowing or not living with both parents. It is sin which clouds
our minds and makes us think God does not have our best interests at heart. But a person
set on preserving his family will see in Scripture the reason he should never doubt God’s
love and care.

In 1 Peter 3:18 we hear, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the
unrighteous, to bring you to God.” In Titus 3:5 we see the proof of God’s highest love
and our reason to trust in Him for our true happiness: “He saved us, not because of
righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.”

With His plan of salvation God demonstrated what real love and caring is all about. The
only way to bring this to our children and to guard against the harmful influences of
society is through the use of God’s Word. It alone shows us Christ who has the power to
help. He has rescued us eternally by His death and resurrection. He will also help us to
raise our families in these difficult times.

To keep sin and Satan’s lies at bay, God’s Word needs to be impressed on our hearts and
minds through frequent church attendance, family devotions, daily Bible reading and
prayers. Bringing the Word of God faithfully to our children and family is the only way
to assure their spiritual safety and God-pleasing happiness. Nothing less than eternity
depends on it!

(All Scripture references are from the New International Version)