God the Holy Spirit


Jesus’ work of redemption is complete; forgiveness of sins, life and salvation have been won for all people. But one who remains ignorant of the Savior’s work receives no benefit from it. In order that we may know and believe in Christ and His work, God has sent us the Holy Ghost.

The Third Article

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

What does this mean?
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith; just as He calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian Church, He daily and richly forgives me and all believer all our sins; and at the last day, He will raise up me and all the dead, and will grant me and all believers in Christ eternal life. This is most certainly true.

  1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
    The Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, true God together with the Father and the Son.
  2. Why do you believe that the Holy Spirit is true God?
    I believe that the Holy Spirit is true God, because the Bible

    • calls Him God; and
    • ascribes to Him
      • the attributes of God,
      • the works of God and
      • the honor of God.

  3. Why is the Third Person of the Godhead called the Holy Spirit?
    The Third Person of the Godhead is called the Holy Spirit because He is Himself holy and He makes me holy.
  4. What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
    The Holy Spirit makes me holy (sanctification) by

    • creating in me faith in Christ (conversion),
    • preserving in me this saving faith unto life everlasting, and
    • enabling me to live a new life in Him.

  5. Why is it necessary that the Holy Spirit create saving faith in us?
    The Holy Spirit must create faith in our hearts, because we are by nature dead in our trespasses and sins and enemies of God, and therefore cannot by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ or come to Him.

  6. What has the Holy Spirit done to bring you to faith in Christ?
    To bring me to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, that is, He has invited me to partake of the blessings of Christ, which are offered in the Gospel.

  7. Does the Holy Spirit call all people with equal seriousness?
    The Holy Spirit calls all with equal seriousness.
  8. Do all obey the call of the Holy Spirit?
    Many shut their hearts against the voice of the Holy Spirit and are unwilling to come to Jesus.

    Bible Example: Jesus’ complaint concerning Jerusalem

    Bible Example: The parable of the Great Supper
  9. What do you mean when you say, “I believe in the Holy Spirit”?
    When I say, “I believe in the Holy Spirit,” I mean that I am assured that God the Holy Spirit makes me holy and guides me into all saving truth.


Because all people are born with original sin, they lack the will and ability to obey God or to come to the Savior. But the Holy Spirit, through the essage of forgiveness (Gospel), turns people to Christ (conversion) so that through faith they grasp the benefits of His life and death.


O Holy Spirit, enter in
And in our hearts Thy work begin,
Thy temple deign to make us.
Sun of the soul, Thou Light divine,
Around and in us brightly shine,
To joy and gladness wake us.
That we To Thee,
Truly living, To The giving
Prayer unceasing,
Still may be in love increasing. (ELH 27:1)

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: