The Sixth and Seventh Petitions and the Conclusion


Even though we are God’s saints, the devil does not leave us alone. He still tries to deceive and destroy us with all kinds of temptations and evils. But God is our strength; He wants us to come to Him for help in every time of temptation and trouble.

The Sixth Petition

And lead us not into temptation.

What does this mean?
God certainly tempts no one to sin, but we pray in this petition that God would guard and keep us so that the devil, the world and our own flesh may not deceive us nor lead us into misbelief, despair and other shameful sina dn vice; and though we be thus tempted, that we may still in the end overcome and retain the victory.

    What are the temptations spoken of in the Sixth Petition?
    The temptations spoken of in the Sixth Petition are the efforts of the devil, the world and our flesh to deceive us and to lead us into misbelief, despair and other shameful sin and vice. (See Questions 203 and 256.)

    Bible Example: The devil tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God.

    Bible Example: The world tempted Peter to deny Christ.

    Bible Example: David’s flesh tempted him to commit adultery.
  1. For what do we pray in the Sixth Petition?
    In the Sixth Petition we pray that God would spare us from falling into temptation; and that He would give us the grace to be watchful and to meet every temptation with the Word of God, so that we may not sin against Him.

    Bible Example: Jesus used the Word of God against temptation.

    Bible Example: Joseph fled from temptation.
  2. Of what other kind of temptation does the Bible speak?
    The Bible speaks also of temptations from God, which are really trials or tests from Him; He in His grace uses these to train His children and to strengthen their faith. (See Question 219 and 255.)

    Bible Example: God tested Abraham.

    Bible Example: Jesus tested the Syrophoenician woman.

The Seventh Petition

But deliver us from evil.

What does this mean?
We pray in this petition, as the sum of all, that our Father in heaven would deliver us from every evil of body and soul, property and honor; and at last, when the hour of death shall come, grant us a blessed end, and graciously take us from this valley of sorrow to Himself in heaven.

  1. For what do we pray in the Seventh Petition?
    In the SEventh Petition we pray that our heavenly Father would deliver us froma ll sin, which still clings to us, and from all sorrow, distress and disgrace whould result from sin.
  2. What does God do in answer to the Seventh Petition?
    In answer to the Seventh Petition, God

    • turns away many evils or
    • turns the evil we experience into blessing,
    • comforts us in affliction and
    • by a blessed death brings us out of all trouble and sorrow into His glory. (See Questions 221, 224 and 225.)

      Bible Example: God delivered Job out of his troubles.

The Conclusion

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

  1. Of what does this Conclusion remind us?
    This Conclusion reminds us that god is our almighty Father and Lord, who is willing and able to answer our prayers, and that we therefore should give Him all the glory and praise in time and eternity. (See Question 246.)


What does “Amen” mean?
Amen means that we should be sure that these petitions are acceptable to our Father in heaven and are heard by Him; for He Himself has commanded us so to pray and has promised to hear us. “Amen, Amen,” that is, “Yes. Yes, it shall be so.”

  1. What does the Lord impress upon us in our model prayer?
    In our model prayer the Lord impresses upon us that our spiritual needs should be our first concern and that He will proved also the things we need for this life.
  2. Conclusion

    In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask that God would preserve His honor among us and provide for our bodies and souls. We know that these petitions are pleasing to God, because He Himself has taught us to pray them. We conclude our prayer with the Doxology and Amen, for we know that God hears us and is pleased with our prayer for Jesus’ sake.


    Into temptation lead us not,
    And when the foe doth war and plot
    Against our souls on ev’ry hand,
    Then armed with faith, O may we stand
    Against him as a valiant host
    Through comfort of the Holy Ghost.

    Deliv’rance from all evil give,
    For yet in evil days we live.
    Redeem us from eternal death,
    And, when we yield our dying breath,
    Console us, grant us calm release,
    And take our souls to Thee in peace.

    Amen! That is so let it be!
    Strenthen our faith and trust in Thee
    That we may doubt not, but believe
    That what we ask we shall receive.
    Thus in Thy name and at Thy word
    We say, “Amen, Now hear us, Lord.” (ELH 383:7-9)

    Bible Readings

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