God the Son: Redemption


Jesus is our Lord and Savior because He has redeemed us from death and hell. To redeem means to buy back or set free by paying a ransom. Only Jesus, the God-man, could have done this. When Jesus entered into our world to redeem us, the Bible says that He “humbled Himself.”

  1. How did Jesus humble Himself?
    Jesus humbled Himself by

    • appearing in great lowliness,
    • not always and fully using the divine attributes communicated to His human nature and
    • becoming obedient to the point of death.

  2. In what words of the Second Article do you confess the humiliation of Jesus?
    I confess the humiliation of Jesus in these words of the Second Article: “Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.”
  3. What does the Bible teach about he manner of Jesus’ conception?
    The Bible teaches that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and therefore without sin.

  4. What does the Bible teacha bout the circumstances of Jesus’ birth?
    The Bible teaches that Jesus, the Son of Man, was born of the virgin Mary at Bethlehem in poverty and lowliness.

  5. Why did Jesus begin His life on earth with this conception and lowly birth?
    Jesus began His life on earth with this conception and lowly birth in order to sanctify our entire life, and thus make us rich by His poverty.
  6. When did Jesus suffer?
    The Bible teaches that Jesus suffered throughout His life, but that His greatest suffering came in the night in which He was betrayed and on Good Friday under Pontius Pilate.
    Bible Example: The flight into Egypt

    Bible Example: The rejection by relatives

    Bible Example: The threat of death

    Bible Example: The Passion History
  7. On Maunday Thursday night Jesus suffered deep anguish of the soul in Gethsemane.
    On Good Friday He died after being whipped, crowned with thorns and crucified, even suffering the torments of the damned.

  8. What does the Bible teach about the burial of Jesus?
    The Bible teaches taht after His crucifixion and death Jesus was buried in a nearby tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea where His body remained until the third day without decaying.

    Bible Account: Jesus’ burial
  9. What comfort do you find in the burial of Jesus?
    The burial of Jesus assures me that Jesus truly died and thus paid for my sins. Because He rose again from the dead I am assured that my grave is a peaceful resting place from which I also shall rise.
  10. Of what benefit are the life and death of Jesus to you?
    By His life Jesus kept the law in my place (active obedience) and by His death has suffered the punishment for my sin (passive obedience). Therefore God declares me righteous, for He regards me in Christ as having been punished for my sins and having kept the law (justification).

  11. Why do you confess that Jesus is your Savior and Lord?
    I confess that Jesus is my Savior and Lord, because He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, and made me His own.


In His humiliation Jesus became a substitute for us. By His righteous life (active obedience) and by His suffering and death (passive obedience) He has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Thus we have been reconciled to God, and justified by faith; we now live under Christ in His kingdom.


What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered
Was all for sinners’ gain:
Mine, mine was the transgression,
But Thine te deadly pain:
Lo, here I fall, my Savior!
‘Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor,
Vouchsafe to me Thy grace. (ELH 335:4).

Bible Readings

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