
Upcoming events show on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. You can set events to recur automatically and show events in widgets as this page’s sidebar demonstrates.

Divine Service

The Sunday service at Our Saviour Lutheran is “liturgical.” We follow the outline of the ancient Christian liturgy because we need a weekly reminder of the most important truths of Scripture — especially “sin & grace.” We sin, but Jesus died for our sins and by His grace He saves us. By repeating the fundamental…

Sunday Bible Study

Currently, we are studying the the Gospel according to Mark. Later this fall we will start the Book of Revelation. Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 as we read his action-packed account and see the life-giving work of Jesus, our Savior.

Midweek Bible Study

We’re currently studying Old Testament stories about King David from 1 & 2 Samuel. Join us for coffee, fellowship, discussion, and lots of God’s Word!