Watching our church services is a great way to get to know our congregation. It might be a little difficult to follow at first, because it’s so unlike anything this world has to offer. Our services are devoted to setting forth God’s Word, the Bible, as clearly as possible and preaching the good news that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Over the centuries, Christians have tried all manner of way to make this proclamation and nothing has stood the test of time better than the form of worship that we have at Our Saviour. It’s called liturgical worship, and it’s essentially a conversation between God and His people. God speaks to us through His Word, show us our sins, leading us to Christ, forgiving our sins and guiding us into a life set apart for Him. In response, we pray to Him, praise Him and give thanks for His great gifts. Check it out for yourself at 9:00AM (MST) on Sunday mornings. You can also watch the archived video of services past.