November 27, 2022 —

Come, Lord Jesus – As King

Advent means “coming.” Jesus came into our world at the very first Christmas. Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a humble King on Palm Sunday. Jesus comes into our hearts through the Word and Sacraments. And Jesus will visibly come back to the world as eternal Ruler of all. The Advent season leads us to make sure Jesus has come into our hearts through faith and rules there until we meet Him. Advent is a time for us to examine ourselves, our lives, our motives, our priorities, and our faith so that Christmas can bring us true and lasting joy.

Our Old Testament Lesson foretold Jesus’ coming into the world to change it, which will culminate in the world’s lasting and permanent change one day. Already, the Word has gone out from Zion, making relatively little Mount Zion (2,500 ft.) the most important and prominent mountain on earth. What happened in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago has forever altered the course of world history, and one day we will live in His Peaceful Kingdom.

Our Epistle Lesson urges us to rejoice as we think of all that King Jesus has already done for us, and what is yet to come. Live in the peace Jesus gives us. He is near. He is coming.

In the Gospel Lesson Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people ask, “Who is this?” He came there to be our High Priest and Sacrifice Himself, the Lamb of God, for the sins of the world. That, ultimately, is the story we will retrace during this new church year which begins with the anticipation of His birth in Advent. Meanwhile we receive Him by faith, know who He really is, and worship Him as we await His visible rule when He comes again.

Our sermon will focus especially on the Old Testament Lesson: “Come, Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord.”

This Week’s Lessons:

Isaiah 2:1–5   (sermon text)

Philippians 4:4–7

Matthew 21:1–11

Psalm 24