The Christian Waits: Watchful for the Bridegroom

November 19, 2023 —

In the great timeline of human history, there are only two ultimately significant points: the first time Christ came to our world to win salvation by His life, death, and resurrection; and the second time Christ will come to consummate His everlasting kingdom. We live in The Time in Between those two points. It is a time of tension. We know that peace and perfection are ours already because of what Jesus did the first time he came. We also know that we will experience that peace and perfection personally when Christ returns. We will see Him soon! And so we wait in hope and anticipation!

As we wait for Christ to return, we are not to be lazy. Not at all! The reason Christ has not yet returned is that there is still work to be done—plenty of it! Christ is busy doing His good work. But remember, He does it through us, His Church. So, until Christ comes again and says, “Stop!” believers will be busy with faithful service. Christ has given every believer gifts and talents. And when Christ entrusts us with those gifts and talents, He calls us to use them all for His glory. In the time between Christ’s first and second coming, we use everything the Master has given us to live according to His will and to carry out His mission.