Jesus Revealed — To Everyone, Through His People

January 21, 2024 —

During the Epiphany season we not only see more and more of who Jesus is, but we also see God’s will that all nations should be enlightened by the Gospel. Jesus is the “light to lighten the Gentiles” as well as the glory of His people Israel. We know that. We sing that. But we need to be reminded that God makes the Good News of Jesus’ salvation known through people. And not just through any people, but through us, His people!

On the one hand it’s a glorious honor that God has given us. On the other hand, sometimes we feel intimidated and shy. Or we might even forget to think about our responsibility. When that happens, we miss out on the joy of being part of the wonderful mission of sharing and expanding the kingdom of God. But when we share Jesus and welcome people into the kingdom we are doing what we pray for each week when we say “Thy Kingdom Come!”

As we listen to God’s Word this Sunday, think about the “why” and the “what” of sharing your Savior. Our Old Testament lesson and sermon tell us that what, and our epistle and Gospel lessons give us the why. Jesus wants to reveal Himself to everyone through us, His people.