
  1. Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Christ in which water is used together with the word of God. According to the promise of God, Baptism conveys the forgiveness of sins, has faith-working power, and incorporates people into the church. It is a means of grace-an instrument through which God the Holy Spirit distributes his grace in Christ to sinners.
  2. It is proper to baptize infants, because they are included in Christ’s command to baptize “all nations.” Infants need the forgiveness of sins just like adults, since they are born with original sin. The Bible indicates that even tiny infants can have faith.
  3. Baptism is a treasure for believers. As we daily remember our baptism which connects us to Jesus Christ, we are assured that God loves us and forgives us. We are empowered to turn away from sin and live in a way that pleases God.