The Fifth Commandment


Human life is a precious possession. If a person's life is harmed, he may be unable to enjoy the other earthly gifts God has given him. If his life is taken from him, he can no longer enjoy any earthly blessing, and if he dies in unbelief, he has no further opportunity to come to faith. Therefore God has given us the Fifth Commandment in order to protect human life.

The Fifth Commandment

You shall not kill.

What does this mean?
We should fear and love God, so that we do no bodily harm to our neighbor, but help and befriend him in every need.

  1. How do we sin against the Fifth Commandment?
    We sin against the Fifth Commandment by
    • failing to help our neighbor,
    • hating our neighbor,
    • committing bodily harm to our neighbor,
    • murder,
    • abortion, euthanasia (mercy killing), and
    • bodily harm to ourselves (including suicide).

    Bible Example: Cain murdered Abel.
    Bible Example: David had Uriah killed.
    Bible Example: People kill through carelessness.
  2. Why is suicide such a serious sin?
    Suicide is such a serious sin because usually there is no time to repent and be saved.
    Bible Example: King Saul killed himself with his sword.
    Bible Example: Judas hanged himself.
  3. How do we harm our health and shorten our life?
    We harm our health and shorten our life by such things as
    • laziness,
    • neglect of the body,
    • foolhardiness,
    • overeating,
    • drunkenness,
    • misuse of drugs,
    • sexual impurity,
    • anger, or
    • worry.
  4. Should we ever risk our health and life?
    We should fearlessly risk our health and life when it is necessary to do so in order to
    • defend our country,
    • fulfill the duties of our vocation,
    • save others, or
    • defend the Gospel.

    Bible Example: Abraham fought to rescue Lot.
    Bible Example: The good Samaritan risked his life to aid his neighbor.
  5. What does it mean to help and befriend our neighbor in every need?
    To help and befriend our neighbor in every need means
    • to protect our neighbor in all danger,
    • to be merciful,
    • to be kind,
    • to be considerate, and
    • to be forgiving toward him at all times and also
    • to pray for him.

    Bible Example: The good Samaritan was kind to a man in need.
    Bible Example: Assistance to a neighbor is a sign of faith.
  6. Do the lawful authorities sin by punishing those who do wrong?
    The lawful authorities do not sin by punishing those who do wrong, for God has given them the responsibility for punishing evil-doers and for waging just wars. (See "capital punishment" in the Glossary.)
  7. How has Jesus fulfilled the Fifth Commandment for us?
    Jesus has fulfilled the Fifth Commandment for us by
    • healing the sick,
    • helping the needy, and
    • showing kindness to all.
    He also offered His life on the cross as a sacrifice for our salvation (passive obedience).

    Bible Example: Jesus cured the paralytic.
    Bible Example: Jesus fed the five thousand.
    Bible Example: Jesus healed Malchus.


God forbids

  • hatred,
  • mental abuse,
  • physical abuse,
  • murder (including murder of the unborn, i.e., abortion), and
  • suicide.
Since Jesus, the Son of God, gave up His precious life also for our sins against this commandment, we should avoid these sins and rather preserve and protect our neighbor's life.


Teach us the lesson Thou has taught:
To feel for those Thy blood hath bought,
That ev'ry word and deed and thought
May work a work for Thee.

All are redeemed, both far and wide,
Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died;
Then teach us, whatsoe'er betide
To love them all in Thee. (ELH 458:3-4).

Bible Readings

At home:

In class: