The Bible

  1. Apart from the Bible, there is no source of knowledge about God’s plan of salvation. The created world and the law written on the human heart give some information about God and his law. But neither presents the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Human reason and science are also unable to uncover the truth about God’s salvation for sinners.
  2. God inspired the writers of the Bible so that they wrote the very words he wanted. The Bible therefore is without error in everything it presents. Jesus the Son of God himself said, “The Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). As the infallible Word of God, the Bible is unlike any other writing, and it is the standard by which all other religious documents are to be judged.
  3. Human intellect and human reason are helpful in understanding the Bible, but they must never be put over the Bible. Difficult passages in the Bible are to be explained in view of their context and in agreement with clearer passages. Scripture interprets Scripture.
  4. The Bible has two main messages from God-the law and the gospel. The law teaches what we should do and not do, and the law condemns us before God. The gospel teaches that God in love sent Jesus as the world’s Redeemer, and the gospel saves us before God.
  5. The main purpose of the Bible is to proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ for all people. The entire Bible from beginning to end is Christ-centered, focusing on God’s plan of salvation in Christ. It is a joyful privilege to read and study the Bible, because it is like a love letter from God.