Devotion 136 – Wednesday of Lent 2

Opening Prayer

God, preserve me; I am Your saint!

Text: Mark 14:66–72

Now as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came. And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You also were with Jesus of Nazareth.” But he denied it, saying, “I neither know nor understand what you are saying.” And he went out on the porch, and a rooster crowed. And the servant girl saw him again, and began to say to those who stood by, “This is one of them.” But he denied it again. And a little later those who stood by said to Peter again, “Surely you are one of them; for you are a Galilean, and your speech shows it.” But he began to curse and swear, “I do not know this Man of whom you speak!” And a second time the rooster crowed. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And when he thought about it, he wept.


The Lord had told the disciples that He must go to His death alone and no one could go with Him. He had prayed for them and with His words: “Let these go!” He kept them safe from the enemy. But Peter does not want to abide by the Lord’s words. He holds on to his own words: “I will gladly die with You,” and puts himself in the way of temptation. Since he lacks confidence and power in the Lord’s words to shield him against death and danger, then devils and men begin to attack this powerless man and mistreat him terribly. John they leave in peace.

The weakest Christian is strong and puts the devil to shame, when he simply holds to God’s Word and remains on the Lord’s ways of meekness, fear of God, and self-denial. But the strongest Christian is like a light feather against the devil, when he goes his own way, abandons the Word, thinks he is strong and plunges into temptation. Defer to the Word of your God, Christian soul! It says that you walk in a thousand dangers and that you yourself are utterly weak, that all your power is simply vanity. But it also says that the Lord is near you and that no one shall snatch you out of His hand (Joh 10:28). Stay there, and walk your path with fear and with confidence, and you will walk in the Spirit and be borne on angel’s wings. But if you entrust yourself to your own understanding, rely on yourself or give yourself over to human cleverness and strength, then surely you will painfully come to know that “the flesh is weak” [Mat 26:41; Mar 14:38]. Peter was indeed a man of courage and bravery, and no one was more honestly loyal to the Lord than he. But another power is needed to stand against principalities and powers and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places [Eph 6:12]. O how shall it go for the Christians of our time, so many of whom are so hypnotized by the world and so confident in spiritual pride?

There is a serious, yes, dreadful warning in Peter’s fall, but unspeakably beautiful and comforting is the Lord’s grace toward fallen Peter. Do you know, dear friend, how the rooster’s crow wakes us and how Jesus’ glance melts the heart? Have you ever felt your weakness in Caiaphas’ court or in Antioch (Gal 2:11-14)? But if it happens to you again, then listen and see, and He shall fill your ear with His voice and your eye with His character, and you will taste the bitterness of the tears of repentance, but you will also experience the soul-healing power of His blood and tears.

Closing Prayer

Lord God, teach us to walk with certain care, so that we never rely on ourselves in carnal security in times of temptation. But when Satan sifts us [Luk 22:31], then let Your intercession and Your strength rescue us, so that we remain conquerors and retain the victory. You know that we are poor and weak, so that without You we can do nothing [Joh 15:5]. Faithful God, let us not be put to shame, so that the devil should triumph and Your name be blasphemed. Save us in time of temptation, keep us from falling, and raise us that we may eternally honor and praise You. Amen.


To wound the soul Is Satan’s goal,
Secret attacks e’er making;
Who then does not watch his soul
Soon as prey he’s taking.

Our evil mind, To sin inclined,
Is drawn by sin around us;
If a wicked thought we mind,
Satan soon hath bound us.

One word from hell Cast its foul spell
On Adam with temptation;
So by one man all men fell
Under condemnation.

Each soul astray From Christ, the way,
Should keep God’s people humble;
Jesus warns, “O watch and pray,
Lest ye fall and stumble.”

Be on your guard, Keep watch and ward
Beware of Satan’s cunning!
Watch and pray and trust your Lord
Till ye see Him coming!

Brorson: O watch and pray L 268:6-10 ELH 516:5-8 tr. DeGarmeaux and G. A. T. Rygh;
tune: O Traurigkeit