There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is often called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” In John 10, Jesus likens Himself to a good shepherd, who cares so much for the welfare of his sheep that he would even lay down his life for them. Jesus, of course, did lay down His life for us, who are the sheep…
I think most of the issues that we had with the equipment last week have been resolved. I hope that you will find the video of the service this morning spiritually edifying.
We welcomed Bob and Marge Smith into the fellowship of Our Saviour.
We managed to record and stream our service last Sunday. The organ music overloaded our audio system. We are looking into how to fix this issue. The spoken parts of the service are clear but need some fine tuning. The sermon starts at 29:13. We also hope to present the full service in video accompanied…
Online registration is open for this year’s Vacation Bible School. There is no cost to enroll your child, but only 50 spots are available, so sign up today and reserve a spot for your child. Online registration will close on Memorial Day. A limited number of additional spots are available on a first-come-first-served basis during…
Our Sunrise Service was a great wake-up with Gospel and the rousing festival hymns of Easter. After a pleasant Easter Breakfast put on by the Wednesday Morning Bible Study group, we came together in the sanctuary for the Easter Festival Service. A small ensemble of youngsters sang and recited some key Bible verse they had…