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Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

The Norwegian Synod, as the predecessor body of the ELS, was concerned with preserving the doctrinal truths which God has given in the Bible. In the late 1800’s a doctrinal controversy rocked the Norwegian Synod. One-third of the congregations and pastors left the synod at that time. The synod sought to defend the teaching that…

Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

The third “father” of the Synod was the Rev. Ulrik Vilhem Koren. He served Washington Prairie Lutheran Church (near Decorah, Iowa). He is remembered as the “theologian” of the Synod. In 1884, he wrote “An Accounting” to the congregations of the Synod stating the Synod’s doctrinal position. He also wrote the hymn “Ye Lands, to…

Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

The Rev. Jakob A. Ottesen was another of the three “fathers” of the Synod. He served the Koshkonong Lutheran  churches (near Cottage Grove, Wisconsin). He is remembered as a “model pastor” for the Synod. Following his daughter’s death in 1931, his household estate and library were given to the reorganized synod. This collection became the…

Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

During this anniversary year, we remember the three “fathers” of the Synod: Herman Preus, Jakob Ottesen, and Vilhelm Koren. The Rev. H.A. Preus served Spring Prairie Lutheran Church (near Keyser, Wisconsin). He is regarded as the “administrator” of the Synod and served as its president for thirty-two years. At his funeral in 1894, he was…