The children did so well today, reciting five sections of Psalm 23, and singing “Have No Fear, Little Flock” during our Vacation Bible School service. Afterwards in the Fellowship Hall, they sang “I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N” and challenged the adults to keep up. Thanks to all the parents, helpers, teachers and other volunteers who worked…
Pr. Lepak was out of town this morning. We were so blessed this morning to hear Pr. Lyle Sonntag preach and conduct the divine service. We wish him safe travels home.
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is often called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” In John 10, Jesus likens Himself to a good shepherd, who cares so much for the welfare of his sheep that he would even lay down his life for them. Jesus, of course, did lay down His life for us, who are the sheep…