Communicating Christ (Page 9)

Life for the Dead

March 26, 2023 — Death is the bitter lot we inherited from Adam. But God wants us to know that even in the face of death, He promises that whoever believes in Him will live, even though he dies. The “resurrection of the body” we confess in the creed is the Crown Jewel of Christianity.…

Sight for the Blind

March 19, 2023– The Old Testament prophets, especially Isaiah, outlined signs that would prove the Messiah had come, such as giving hearing to the deaf and sight to the blind. Jesus fulfilled all those signs. In the Gospel Lesson, John records the sixth of the seven signs, as Jesus heals a blind man. That gives…

Water for the Thirsty

March 12, 2023 — The Bible uses a number of analogies for what the Gospel offers. In answering the devil’s temptation, Jesus answered, “Man does not live on bread alone, but by every word which comes from the mouth of God.” Elsewhere, Isaiah describes the Gospel as a rich feast with rich food and fine…

A Gift for the World

March 5, 2023 — Abraham is called the “Father of us all.” He is in many ways our spiritual forefather, because He is the forefather of Jesus who reconciled him, the world, and us to God the Father. “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness,” Moses wrote. And Paul quoted that…

First Sunday in Lent

February 26, 2023 — A Champion for the Defeated The Season of Lent leads the church on a 40-day journey of repentance and prayer, of remembrance and renewal of our baptism. God calls to mankind: Return to the Lord! The journey begins with Ash Wednesday’s warning of mortality. On the First Sunday in Lent we…

Jesus’ Glory: Share it!

February 19, 2023 — This Sunday brings the Epiphany Season to a close with the Festival of Transfiguration. Before His journey up to Jerusalem in the closing months of His public ministry, Jesus took three of His disciples—Peter, James and John—up a mountain where God the Father strengthened Him for what awaited Him, His suffering…