Communicating Christ (Page 11)

For All the Saints Who from Their Labors Rest, Thy Name, O Jesus, Be Forever Blessed

All Saints Sunday, November 6, 2022 — Observing “All Saints Day” is an ancient church custom—a good one, especially if we remember what the Biblical definition of “saint” is. The word saint comes from the Latin word “Sanctus” which means holy, set apart. In our catechism, we use the word “sanctification” as a heading for…

The Gospel Frees Us

Reformation Sunday, October 30, 2022 — Every year we Lutherans celebrate the Reformation of the Church that took place 500 years ago. The Festival of the Reformation has also been called the Festival of the Word. When asked how the Reformation succeeded so well, Martin Luther responded, “We just preached, taught, wrote and drank Wittenberg…

Generosity Produces Gratitude

Sunday, October 9, 2022 – Jesus’ words produce the faith he seeks at His return. Kind words produce smiles. Encouraging words produce courage. Promises produce hope. These truths are even more true when the words are the almighty Word of our almighty Savior. Noah had experienced first-hand the truth of God’s promises. The Lord led…