Communicating Christ (Page 4)

Meaningful Ministry—Sometimes it Is Met with Rejection and Resentment

July 7, 2024 — “Ministry” is one of those churchy words that is often used, yet perhaps not fully understood. Ministry comes from the Latin word for “service.” Ministry involves serving others with love, compassion, and empathy. Helping someone with physical needs is sometimes called “compassion ministry.” Helping someone with their spiritual needs, sharing the…

Resurrection REALity: The Living Lord Gives Proof and PeaceResurrection REALity:

April 7 2024 — In most world religions, the alleged foundational event was experienced by only one person. A self-proclaimed prophet would allege he alone had some special encounter with God. “No really! Just trust me. It really happened.” The resurrection reality is so very different. In the Great Resurrection Chapter (1 Corinthians 15, which…