News (Page 102)

There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.

Come Unto Me

When you walk down a hotel hallway, what do you often see hanging from the doorknobs? Little signs that say, “DO NOT DISTURB!” What an accurate description of the attitude of many people toward the claims of Christ and the Gospel. Not only on Sunday mornings but everyday of the week Jesus stands before human…

SonDay in the Park on August 21

Don’t forget: Our congregation has been invited to Kingman’s Cross of Christ’s “SonDay in the Park” next week, August 21st, beginning at 11:00AM on Hualapai Mountain at Hualapai Mountain County Park southeast of Kingman. Cross of Christ congregation is furnishing burgers and brats and asking everyone to bring their own drinks and a dish or…

Vacation Bible School Video

The Barnyard Roundup Vacation Bible School was a great success this year. We were so privileged to have such wonderful students and teachers. Best of all, we all had the opportunity to hear from God’s Word how the Lord provides so graciously for the needs of our bodies and souls, especially by sending Jesus to…