There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
A mother asked her daughter what she had learned in Sunday school that morning. The little girl replied, “The teacher told us that one of the reasons God put us in this world is so we can get ready for heaven.” “I think your teacher is correct dear,” the mother said. “Then why aren’t more…
Did you enjoy watching the 2016 Olympics as much as did? I have to admit that I didn’t watch as much as I would have liked, but I love being able to watch athletes do things that I never thought possible. The athletes have trained hard and have a great support through family and friends.…
Our congregation has received an invitation message from the Family of God congregation in Ft. Mohave which cordially invites us to the 25th Anniversary of Family of God Lutheran Church and the 25th Anniversary of Pastor Richard Fyffe’s Ordination. This dual celebration will be held at Family of God Lutheran Church, 1863 Panadero Road, Fort Mohave,…
It’s been a long time coming, but the new church directory is printed and assembled with the latest pictures and information available to the church office. You will find a copy in your mailbox in the church entryway; there are also extras if you need more than one copy. The small size makes the…
Special thanks to those who worked so hard these last few weeks to clean up the Sunday School storage rooms in the Fellowship Hall. That was a lot of work while no one was looking. Thanks for your spirit of willing and humble service to the congregation.
Whether you are a student at ASU or MCCC, you are invited to connect with other college students, a former science professor and our resident engineer at Our Saviour Lutheran Church. We are putting together a new Bible study (possibly with some free STEM tutoring). We need your input. We’d like to hold the Bible…
The pastor and elders of the congregation are working on contacting those we have lost track of over the years. It’s a lot of work, but work that brings with it Jesus’ words of eternal life. Without the Gospel, faith simply dies away from lack of spiritual nourishment. Before you know it, going to church…
Those wishing to know more about the teachings of the Bible at Our Saviour are invited to contact