There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
The Lutheran Sentinel is the official magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the church body to which Our Saviour Lutheran Church belongs. The latest edition and many recent editions are available online.
1 Peter 1:18-19 “You know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, not with things that pass away, such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like a lamb without blemish or spot.” The celebrity world has been shocked recently with…
In observance of the synod’s centennial year, the Lutheran Youth Association (LYA) is holding its annual convention in Parkland, Washington. The site was selected because, in 1918, this location was the home of the first president of our reorganized synod. By God’s grace, the ELS has endured these one hundred years “Even When Steeples Are…
During this anniversary year, the Lutheran Sentinel continues to be the voice of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Until 1982, the Lutheran Sentinel was published in a bi-weekly format. An early editor wrote, “We have tried to live up to both the name and the motto (It Is Written!) of the paper… We have endeavored to…
The first issue of the Luthersk Tidende (today, Lutheran Sentinel) was dated July 16, 1917 which was one year prior to the reorganization of the synod. That inaugural issue said, “If there are enough subscribers for the paper, it will come out twice each month with eight or sixteen pages. If not enough favor is…
Fourteen congregations sent representatives to the 1919 constituting convention which was hosted by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Along with twenty-two clergy, these congregations are regarded as the charter members of the reorganized synod. This constitution remained in force until 1986, when the present constitution and bylaws were adopted.