News (Page 87)

There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.

Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

The ELS has always had a commitment to Lutheran elementary education. It has been questioned if our present synod would ever have been organized if it had not been for the support of those who had been educated in Christian day schools. We may properly say that we owe our present existence as a Biblical-teaching synod in large…

Proclaim the Wonders God Has Done: 1918–2018

The Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Bethany Lutheran College are intimately united. The college gives a visibility and identity to the synod. In turn, the synod gives moorings to the college and elects both the Board of Regents and Board of Trustees for the college. Since 1928, most conventions of the synod have been conducted on the college campus.