There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
There’s always a lot going on at Our Saviour. Updates, messages and project reports are posted below.
The first issue of the Luthersk Tidende (today, Lutheran Sentinel) was dated July 16, 1917 which was one year prior to the reorganization of the synod. That inaugural issue said, “If there are enough subscribers for the paper, it will come out twice each month with eight or sixteen pages. If not enough favor is…
Fourteen congregations sent representatives to the 1919 constituting convention which was hosted by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Along with twenty-two clergy, these congregations are regarded as the charter members of the reorganized synod. This constitution remained in force until 1986, when the present constitution and bylaws were adopted.
The first officers elected for the reorganized ELS in 1918 were: Bjug Harstad, President (Parkland, Washington); John A. Moldstad, Vice-president (Chicago, Illinois); C.N. Peterson, Secretary (Minneapolis, Minnesota); A.J. Torgerson, Treasurer (Northwood, Iowa). Committees also were elected for Missions, Publications, History, and Constitution. It also was determined to continue the publication of the Luthersk Tidende (today, Lutheran Sentinel).
People in Brazil celebrate it on September 7th. Canadians celebrate it on July 1st. The French celebrate it on July 14th. Mexicans celebrate it on September 16th. On July 4th, we Americans join together in celebrating our “Independence Day.” Countries all over the world have designated special holidays where their people join together to celebrate…