Liberty, Freedom & Independence

People in Brazil celebrate it on September 7th. Canadians celebrate it on July 1st. The French celebrate it on July 14th. Mexicans celebrate it on September 16th. On July 4th, we Americans join together in celebrating our “Independence Day.”

Countries all over the world have designated special holidays where their people join together to celebrate their liberty and freedom. This goes to show that liberty, freedom, and independence are principles and virtues that are appreciated and cherished everywhere—the world over.

Nobody wants to be oppressed, tyrannized, or burdened. Such things are universally recognized as bad and evil. We desire the opposite. We want liberty, freedom, and independence from such torment. And so, on “Independence Day” we celebrate the fact that those who went before us were able to cast off the burdensome chains of such evil so that we might have things better!

The Bible also speaks about the importance of having liberty, freedom, and independence. In fact, a love of these principles and virtues is why Christians believe what they do! The Christian understands that he is one who is naturally oppressed, tyrannized, and burdened. It is something that all people can feel and relate to because all people understand what guilt feels like. Consciences are heavy and troubled. We know what we have done to hurt and harm those that we should instead be loving. The burden of a heavy conscience only gets worse when we recognize that our own attempted solutions and our efforts to correct things only end in failure, continued distress, and despair!

Where can we turn for liberty, freedom, and independence of our guilt and sin? The Christian finds relief in Him who said: “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) We find comfort in the One who proclaims: “Take heart! Your sins are forgiven.” (Matthew 9:2) We find liberty, freedom, and independence of our guilt and sin in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the answer to being spiritually oppressed, tyrannized, and burdened. He who came with the power of God, proving Himself to be the very Son of God, trustworthy and true, points people everywhere to Himself and says: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!” (John 8:36)

You are invited to celebrate your liberty, freedom, and independence over sin and guilt! You are invited to celebrate these things forever in a place where there will be unending happiness and joy! Jesus is providing YOU with spiritual liberty, freedom, and independence!

Jesus provides us with liberty, freedom, and independence with His holy, righteous life, lived for us. Where we have sinned and feel the burden of guilt and shame, Jesus lived perfectly. There was never any burden upon Him. But He willingly took our burden upon Himself as He went to suffer and die upon the Cross. There, Jesus took the sin and guilt that should oppress, tyrannize, and burden us and He made it His own while His liberty, freedom, and independence, He gave to you and to me! By simply trusting in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we “shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

When we begin to feel oppressed, tyrannized, and burdened by our consciences, when we feel the weight of our sin and guilt, Jesus invites us again and again to come to Him. He wants us to hear His words that tell us He has set us free. And He invites us to celebrate the fact that through Him, we have spiritual liberty, freedom, and independence.