The Holy Ministry Preaches Christ Despite Persecution

This Sunday brings us the final of our series of readings on the Holy Ministry. In our Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah the prophet of Judah shortly before and at the time of the beginning of the Babylonian captivity is sent to preach one final call to repentance. He is not only unpopular due to his message, he is actively persecuted and hated for telling the truth.

Paul predicts similar difficulties for New Testament preachers in our Epistle Lesson. People will not be eager to hear the truth about their sin and Jesus necessary sacrifice because our sins are so bad. So they will run after false preachers and prophets instead who say “what their itching ears want to hear.” Nevertheless, Paul gives the charge to all true servants of the Gospel to  “Preach the word. Be ready whether it is convenient or not. Correct, rebuke, and encourage, with all patience and teaching.”

 Our Gospel Lesson records Jesus’ instructions to the 12 apostles, including His prediction that the people who mistreated Him will also mistreat them. “Do not fear those who kill the body” He tells them, “but cannot kill the soul. Rather, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Then He promises to watch over and protect them in the way God sees every sparrow hatch and finally die.

The sermon  will focus on the Old Testament Lesson:

“Jeremiah’s Burden and Blessing”

1. Burden.  2. Blessing.

This Sunday, our readings are:

      Jeremiah 20:7–13    (sermon text)

      2 Timothy 4:1–8

      Matthew 10:5a,21–33

Worship Folder for June 25 is HERE