Afraid? Don’t Be. You Have Peace!

John 20:19-20 On the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples were together behind locked doors because of their fear of the Jews. Jesus came, stood among them, and said to them, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. So the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

Are you afraid? Are you anxious? Are you worried? Right now, as our world still faces COVID-19, many people are distressed. They are worried for themselves and for their loved ones. The entire world is standing face to face with its own mortality – and it is not comfortable!

This is, of course, not new to human experience. Throughout history, humanity has faced times where we are forced to stop and change many things. There have been many times where the entire world has been shaken – thrown into fear and worry. This also happens to us individually. There are frightening times in our own lives where we face our own individual difficulties and hardships. There are times where we don’t see a clear path forward or out of the trouble that we are facing.

Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a situation like that after Jesus had been crucified. In a sense, they were “self-isolating.” They had locked themselves away because they were afraid. Those disciples who only days before had boldly proclaimed that they would gladly die with Jesus were now hiding out by themselves afraid of dying. And it wasn’t an unfounded threat that they faced. The threat was real. Jesus had told them just days before: “You are not of the world … for that very reason the world hates you.” (Joh 15:19) Jesus warned them to expect persecution and even death because they followed him. But now, having witnessed Jesus being brutally tortured and killed upon a cross, they were suddenly filled with fear, anxiety, and worries – they were shaken and didn’t see a clear path forward.

But in that moment, Jesus himself, risen from the dead, appeared in front of them and proclaimed some amazing words: “PEACE be with you!” They had all seen him die. But now, here he was in their midst, proving himself to be no longer dead but alive! And better yet, because he wasn’t separated from them by death, he was in their midst assuring them that they had peace!

Jesus’ resurrection from the grave and from death brings peace. What is there to worry about? Even a brutal crucifixion can’t stop Jesus! And neither can death stop those who trust in Jesus! The fact that Jesus is risen from the dead gives peace because it assures us that everything that Jesus said is true and that his work has been accomplished! It means that before God, Jesus’ perfect, righteous life now counts for us who have been imperfect and unrighteous. It means that his suffering and death upon the cross has redeemed us – bought us back – from sin and death; our sins and guilt are all paid for! And it means that even though we will have to face our own physical death, that’s not going to stop us! We too have a promise from almighty God that we will rise with body and soul to enjoy new eternal life!

What great peace belongs to you and me because of our resurrected Lord Jesus! Especially in this time as our world is hiding out in fear of death, those who have Christ have peace. We have nothing to fear! Even if the coronavirus reaches us and brings death to us, we have peace with God. And so death itself doesn’t need to frighten us. Those who have faith in Jesus their Savior have the peace of knowing that eternal life is theirs!

Rejoice in the peace that comes from our resurrected Lord Jesus! May God’s peace be with you in this time!