Who Are the Salty Sinner-Saints? February 9, 2020 Rev. Phillip K. Lepak Absolution, Certainty, Children of God, Confidence, Congregation, God's Word, Good Works, Gospel, Grace, Gratitude, Hearing God's Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, Joy, Justification, Love, Means of Grace, Motivation, Obedience, Priorities, Redemption, Religious Convenience, Righteousness, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Salvation, Self-Centeredness, Self-Righteousness, Serving, Sin, Sinful Nature, Unthankfulness, Worldliness, Worship Matthew 0 Comments https://havasulutherans.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2020-02-09-Sermon.mp3 Show Video Player Save Audio The maximum number of views of this element is reached.Please contact the webmaster to enable unlimited views.